How to boost mobile conversion?

I designed the first mobile app for Morele, a polish e-commerce group. Our progressive mobile app got four stars both in Google Play and App Store. Usability and visual improvements increased mobile conversion.

Also, I redesigned experience for desktop, and I worked on a couple of new features launched in 2017-2018. I was the first UX specialist on the board, and I started the user-centred evangelization in the company. With a small internal design team, we enriched the current design process with usability testing, surveys, workshops, and experiments.

funny chat joke
— Research

When they say "Hey, let's do a mobile app!"

Morele Group is a Polish e-commerce business with over ten shops selling electronics, sports accessories, cosmetics, and more. They wanted to address market trends and increase sales on mobile. They didn't know why customers were spending a lot of time on mobile, but they didn’t buy too many things.

For several months we tested assumptions in quick iterations and collected customers' feedback regularly. Reviewed insights were the base to generate mobile improvements ideas.

User journey
— ideas & priorities

Progressive web app - a new way to save money

The technical idea was to create a progressive web mobile app. It meant that at the same time, we needed to address a part of desktop issues.

The main challenge was a prioritization of what we should fix for the first release. We created an ideas' backlog both for mobile and desktop. Going from his top to bottom, I took a look at more than 30 mobile e-commerce benchmarks, and I discussed around 100 sketches with product and dev teams, so that we could reject the most time-consuming changes at the beginning.

— hi-fi design and testing

Mobile-first prototype & testing

With the list of MVP features and sketches, we switched to hi-fi designs and testing. Sessions with users gave us not only insights into what to change in our concepts, but also we redefined the backlog for the most critical user flows. I helped with dozens of mobile changes.

mobile app design
desktop web app design
— What about the results?

Mission completed. Mobile conversion increased.*

*Wanna ask how much? Yeah, I know, but data is an NDA secret, but the app was nominated to Mobile Trends Awards 2019 and 2020.

User research Strategy Workshops UX Design
Mobile-first Prototyping UX writing UX evangelization
shopping online

#concept to pitch and estimate

At a power plant, you need to make thousands of control routes and fill thousands of reports. How can we make workers’ lives easier? I designed the 2nd version of the new ERP product...that can change the daily tasks of not only power plants.